miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

La mejor manera de convertir RGB a CMYK

The best way to convert RGB to CMYK. How to save time and eliminate the need to convert RGB images to CMYK in Photoshop. CMYK images are used to print on press. It's not necessary to have multiple RGB and CMYK files for the same image. This will save disk space and time from converting to CMYK in Photoshop. The conversion from RGB to CMYK will occur automatically while exporting a PDF X-4 file from InDesign CS5.

Use this method to maintain color accuracy throughout your print production work flow.

These settings will ensure print-ready PDFs for faster turnaround times and no output errors in prepress; perfect for using Online Color Printing.

Compression settings will ensure for quick upload times.

Converting RGB to CMYK Automatically - HD from HiDefColor on Vimeo.

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